

The Yippies

June 1962 - The Students for a Democratic Society was founded in Port Huron, Michigan and the first draft of the Port Huron Statement was written.

September 21, 1964 - Officials at the University of California at Berkeley created a ban on protests on campus, exciting the Free Speech Movement.

March 24-25 1965 - The first teach-in took place at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

April 17, 1965 - The SDS organized a 25,000 person march in Washington DC.

June 16, 1965 - A protest and teach-in was organized on the steps of the Pentagon.

November 27, 1965 - A 35,000 person protest encircled the White House and the Washington Monument.

January 1966 - President Johnson canceled the exclusion of college students from the draft, acting as a catalyst for student protest.

April 4, 1967 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out against the war.

April 1967 - Massive protest march in N.Y. 100,000

April 28, 1967 - Boxing legend Mohammad Ali is arrested after refusing to join the U.S. Army.

June 1, 1967 - Vietnam Veterans Against the War was founded by six veterans in a New York apartment.

October 16, 1967 - The Yippies, led by Abbie Hoffman, organized a protest on the steps of the Pentagon.  50,000 people then, with their combined "psychic energy," tried to remove all the evil in the Pentagon and make the entire building levitate.  It is fairly certain that they did not succeed in either goal.  As many as 50,000 other protesters not associated with the Yippies attended.

April 4, 1968 - Civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.  Rioting exploded in nearly every major city in the United States soon afterwards.

April 23, 1968 - Students at Columbia University stormed five university buildings and held them for a week in protest of the university's research with the U.S. Department of Defense.

June 5, 1968 - Robert F. Kennedy, who was running in the Democratic Primaries, was shot and killed, further escalating tension.

August 26-28, 1968 - In response to the Democratic Convention in Chicago, the Yippies held a fairly peaceful demonstration also in Chicago.  The peace ended when the police brutally attacked the protesters and the press.

April 9, 1969 - Three hundred Harvard students took over the administrative headquarters of the University.

June 18-22, 1969 - The SDS held a convention where they split off into the Progressive Labor party and the Revolutionary Youth Movement.  The infamous Weathermen then split off from the Revolutionary Youth Movement.

October 6-8, 1969 - "The Days of Rage" - The Weathermen resorted to violence and bombings in the Chicago area in retaliation for the treatment at the Democratic Convention.

October 15, 1969 - "The Moratorium" - A day of massive demonstrations throughout the country, in which more than a million protested.

November 15, 1969 - "The Mobilization" - A massive protest in Washington with people counts of between 250,000 and a half million.  It is thought the largest anti-war event.

May 3, 1970 - Nineteen students were shot and four were killed at Kent State University when inexperienced Ohio National Guard Soldiers shot into a crowd of protesters.

May 14-15, 1970 - Fourteen Students were shot and two were killed in a riot at Jackson State College (Mississippi) after police shot into the riot shortly after midnight.  Combined with Kent State (above), the events spurred one hundred protests a day around the nation.

January 31 - February 2, 1971 - "The Winter Soldier Investigation" - Unofficial hearings of Vietnam Veterans, sponsored by the VVAW, that showed the brutality of the war.

April 18-23, 1971 - "Dewey Cannon III" - After the military campaigns of Dewey Cannon I and II, the VVAW protested at Washington DC, where they held demonstrations at the Arlington Cemetery, the Capitol, the Pentagon, the Supreme Court, and the National Mall.  It ended with veterans going in front of the police line at the Capitol, one by one, and throwing their military honors away.

May 1, 1971 - "May Day" - A half million protestors tried to block roadways and shut Washington DC down.

June 13, 1971 - The press started leaking out to the public the top secret "Pentagon Papers" which was a 47 book report on the war.

As the war calmed down, so did the protests.  There were few protests after 1971.